


深度学习模型分为:一,判别式模型(GoogLeNet,ResNet,Faster RCNN,YOLO等等);二,生成式模型
➢ 是对我们处理高维数据和复杂概率分布的能力很好的检测
生成式对抗网络Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

关于深度特征点识别网络(deep land- mark identification network,DLIN)



In this context, we propose a fully automatic multilinear algorithm that can estab-lish dense correspondence (≥ 13, 500 points) over a large number of 3D human faceswith varying identities and expressions. We first train a deep Convolutional NeuralNetwork (CNN) for landmark identification. CNNs have been extensively used for 2Dtexture images where the training data with ground truth labels is abundantly available.However, in case of 3D faces there is a dearth of training data that contains significantvariation in facial shape, ethnicity and expressions. Our Deep Landmark IdentificationNetwork (DLIN) is trained on synthetic 3D images generated from a commercial soft-ware (FaceGenTM) and is able to detect 11 biologically significant [28] facial landmarkswith high accuracy and efficiency. Next, we divide the 3D face into five Voronoi regionsaround a subset of these landmarks using geodesically evolved level set curves [29]. Asparse set of discriminative keypoints are detected within each region and used to elas-tically align the corresponding region shapes of two given faces. Dense correspondenceis then achieved through nearest neighbour matches between the region vertices of alltraining faces. Finally, a 3D deformable model is constructed from the densely corre-sponding faces and the correspondence information is transferred to unseen 3D facesby fitting the deformable model in an iterative optimization.

关于面向多姿态的人脸对齐的 3D 解决方案(3D dense face alignment,3DDFA)

摘要:人脸对齐技术是将人脸模型与图像进行拟合,提取人脸像素的语义含义,是CV社区研究的重要课题。然而,大多数算法设计的脸在小到中等的姿态(低于45◦),缺乏的能力对齐脸在大的姿态高达90◦。面临的挑战有三个方面:首先,常用的基于地标的人脸模型假设所有地标都是可见的,因此不适合用于剖面视图。其次,从正面到侧面,脸部外观在大的姿势中变化更明显。第三,在大的姿势中标记地标是非常具有挑战性的,因为隐形地标需要猜测。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的对齐框架,即3D密集人脸对齐(3D Dense Face alignment, 3DDF a),该框架通过卷积神经网络(convolutional neutral network, CNN)将密集的3D人脸模型拟合到图像上。我们还提出了在剖面视图中合成大规模训练样本的方法来解决第三个数据标注问题。在具有挑战性的AFLW数据库上的实验表明,我们的方法比最先进的方法取得了显著的改进。


Face alignment, which fits a face model to an imageand extracts the semantic meanings of facial pixels, hasbeen an important topic in CV community. However , mostalgorithms are designed for faces in small to medium pos-
es (below 45◦), lacking the ability to align faces in largeposes up to 90◦. The challenges are three-fold: Firstly, thecommonly used landmark-based face model assumes thatall the landmarks are visible and is therefore not suitablefor profile views. Secondly, the face appearance variesmore dramatically across large poses, ranging from frontalview to profile view. Thirdly, labelling landmarks in largeposes is extremely challenging since the invisible landmarkshave to be guessed. In this paper , we propose a solution tothe three problems in an new alignment framework, called3D Dense Face Alignment (3DDF A), in which a dense 3Dface model is fitted to the image via convolutional neutralnetwork (CNN). We also propose a method to synthesizelarge-scale training samples in profile views to solve thethird problem of data labelling. Experiments on the chal-lenging AFLW database show that our approach achievessignificant improvements over state-of-the-art methods.